Enjoy the experience of being a Viking by viewing our district's newsletter https://secure.smore.com/n/uwr7h
Spaulding Picture Day!
District 56 Presents the Viking Voice.
Read our superintendent letter, district calendar, lunch menus, and pictures of our schools' events. https://secure.smore.com/n/0yudr
Picture Day is Coming!
Thursday September 23rd
click below to pre-order pictures:
Please see the attached link for important Spaulding dates!
Mark your Calendars !!
Meet and Greet, Kindergarten Playdate, District and Community Events. Use this link to see all dates and times of all important District 56 events in the month of August. https://secure.smore.com/n/zhraq8
Only 10 days left before registration to closes! 😱😱😱😱
Last day to register or provide proof of residency is August 5th, 2024.
Log in to your Skyward Family Access Account and submit your online registration
Need to submit proof of residency? Email your three documents, one from category 1 and two from category 2 to returningstudent@d56.org
New student instructions step by step https://bit.ly/d56newstudent
District 56 Families!
Go to our district website at d56.org to review all registration or proof of residency requirements.
To access Skyward Family Access for returning students use this link https://bit.ly/d56returningstudent
To access new student information use this link https://bit.ly/d56newstudent
To schedule an appointment to receive registration assistance use this link https://bit.ly/3RooK5w for later times reach out to the district office at (847) 336-0800
Please don't hesitate to call or reach out to the district for assistance.
¡Familias del Distrito 56!
Vaya al sitio web de nuestro distrito d56.org para revisar todos los requisitos de registro o prueba de domicilio.
Para acceder Skyward Family Access para estudiantes que regresan, use este enlace https://bit.ly/d56returningstudent
Para acceder información sobre nuevos estudiantes, use este enlace https://bit.ly/d56newstudent
Para programar una cita y recibir asistencia con el proceso de registracion, utilice este enlace https://bit.ly/3RooK5w para horas en la tarde contacte a la oficina del distrito al (847) 336-0800
No dude en llamar o comunicarse con el distrito para obtener ayuda.
Spring Picture day will be Wednesday May 1! You can pre order your pictures by copy and pasting the link below:
1st Grade Families Join Us!
D56 Presents - The Viking Voice
The Viking Voice - https://www.smore.com/qkyva.
At this time, we anticipate all D56 schools in D56 will be open for onsite learning on Wednesday, January 17th. While the temperatures will be slightly "warmer", we advise you to make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
E-Learning Day - Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Due to the predicted wind chill temperatures expected for the next 24 hours, we will be conducting an eLearning day tomorrow. Please check you email for more information.
Día de Aprendizaje Electrónico- martes 16 de enero de 2024
Debido a las temperaturas térmicas previstas para las próximas 24 horas, mañana llevaremos a cabo un día de aprendizaje electrónico. Por favor revise su correo electrónico para obtener más información.
e-learning day , Friday January 12, 2024.
Please check your email that was send to families tonight to view more information on e-learning for tomorrow.
Día de aprendizaje en línea mañana 12 de enero revise su correo electrónico para más información.
Inclement Weather Message
The Viking Voice - https://www.smore.com/5aqxz
La Voz de Viking - https://www.smore.com/xczu8
Early Dismissal Reminder: Friday, December 8th
As it gets cold out, please make sure to send your kids with all the necessary items to stay warm during recess!